Winter Updates
- Catherine Nicholas was awarded an NIH/NIDDK F31 NRSA.
- We were awarded an AB Nexus collaborative award with Ondrej Kostov and Marvin Caruthers to study “Gene-specific antisense oligonucleotide therapies for diseases of haploinsufficiency.”
- We were awarded a CU ASPIRE award with Beth Tamburini, Tem Morrison, and Jenna Guthmiller to study “Mechanisms of immune protection and pathology by lymph node stromal cells.”
- We were awarded an NIH/NIAID R21 with Ross Kedl to study “mRNA encoding of immune receptor-targeting antibodies for the augmentation of vaccine-elicited cellular immunity.”
- We won the departmental pumpkin carving competition with a nanopumpkin sequencer, complete with butternut “pore”, acorn “motor”, and a threaded vine “RNA” (truly a masterpiece).